Real Estate & Rental Law

Holland Expat Lawyers is specialised in:

  • Rental contracts
  • Commercial and private tenancy
  • Real estate sale contracts
  • Tenancy conflicts
  • Construction law
  • Procurement/tender law


Real estate can be a tricky business, especially if you are new to this country. But when it comes to the legal side of things you are in good hands with our firm. We work a lot for (international) tenants, landlords, project developers and building contractors and can help you with any legal matter concerning real estate or rental issues. And if a procedure is necessary our expert lawyers with their hands-on approach are at their best in court.

Who can you rely on?  

When it comes to real estate, these are your guys:

mr. G.J.M. Philipsen


mr. R. Zwanenberg


Got a real (estate) problem? Contact us with our contact form or call us on 040-3039110.