mr. R. Holland (Robyn)

Typical Robyn: committed, creative lawyer with heart for her cases and clients

Our expat expert

What’s in a name? Our lawyer Robyn Holland (1991) was born in Britain but comes from an Expat family so she knows what it is like to be moved around. As a teenager she settled in the Netherlands and since finishing her Dutch law degree in 2013 she works as a lawyer/mediator in Eindhoven. As a native English speaker she is the perfect match for all our Expat clients in the Brainport region.
After finishing a three year specialisation degree in family law and a two year specialisation in international family law, Robyn can rightfully be called an expert in (international) family law, (cross border) mediation and collaborative divorce.

Robyn hates unnecessary escalations, appreciates closing cases without too much ado and loves helping to find effective solutions.